My reaction and my conclusion

Author: Jirata tienphati /

My reaction
  1. Try to listen and concentrate on news, especially on business and health news to keep correct information that what is going on and understand the trend of economic.
  2. Because of unstable economic situation you should stop to buy stock because stock is slum. You should stay in clam and waiting for clearer economic situation.

  3. You should try to stop to invest in any business especially in pork market even though price of pork is rising. Try to remember that the situation is unstable.
    But if you plan to invest in this year, you should concentrate on pharmaceutical market, because this market is already stimulus by swine flu.

  4. Even though swine flu isn’t in Thailand but you should avoid people to be close with people who have cold, sneeze and cough to prevent the infection of any disease.

  5. Try to avoid or cancel travel trip or working in the country that have the swine flu infector record for you safety.

  6. Rare pork and bird is unacceptable to eat at this moment, as we know that people can infect swine flu by eating rare pork. Eating pork is good for your health but you have to sure that pork is undercook.

My conclusion

Swine flu take over front page in newspaper and make economic slum all over the world become smaller problem. Swine flu crisis make people in fear due to new virus that doctor can not create vaccine to prevent, it killed a lot of people and it also have an effect in world’s economic.

Swine flu was first discover in 1970s after that it mutate and transmitted to human The first incidents were registered on March 18 in Mexico and it spread in to America and Canada. At first this disease is just only disease for pig but time by time this disease mutant from pig disease to pig to human, and at last that make people in fear, human to human by breath.

Swine flue has huge effect in economic field, first for the traveling business and air travel was slum, many people delay or cancel their flight to country that have infector and because of air travel and travel business are turning down, the demand of oil decreases. Swine flu is damage pork market in both Thai and international but actually people can not infect this disease by eating pork and that is misunderstand that make pork business slum and because of these reason plus bad economic situation it make GDP decrease 1.3 % in these years. But in the other hand some analysts think that swine flu also has a good part on stimulus pharmaceutical section. Many drug factories will gain more income that come from treatment and the factory that produce fever scanners.

World health organization (WHO) was confirms the total number of infector. Number of infector all around the world are 1,124, 590 infector in Mexico 25 was dead. From the statistic and announcement of Doctor Swine flu is not dangerous that much to make world economic slum which mean world economic slum because people’s excessively action, nonetheless Swine flu have huge effect on world economic and human healthy thus scientist should produce vaccine to prevent it as soon as possible.

Jirata Tienphati

ID: 4907641080 (NO.102)

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